Federal and Ontario Corporate Virtual Minute Books

What Is It?

Incorporation is only the first step. After you’ve incorporated, you still need to set up your corporation by preparing organizing resolutions, which issue shares to your shareholders, elect the board of directors, appoint officers and enact corporate by-laws. These organizing documents form the start of your corporate minute books. Many online incorporation services only file your articles of incorporation for you, but don’t also create your minute book. While articles of incorporation for Ontario and Canada federal corporations may include a list of the initial directors, the articles do not issue shares or appoint signing officers and don’t include your corporate by-laws (rules for operating your corporation). Not putting together a proper corporate minute book means there will be no record of who the shareholders or officers are, and no rules for operating the corporation, leaving you open for possible disputes in the future. Our minute books fully comply with Ontario laws (for your Ontario corporations) or federal laws (for your Canada federal corporations).

Our incorporations include minute books, so this is only for those of you who incorporated elsewhere.

Where’s My Fancy Binder?

Minute books in Ontario (and other jurisdictions) used to be fancy things in expensive binders with your corporate name engraved on it. They were nice and expensive and they always got lost. Our minute books are “virtual” and completely paperless. Your documents will come to you for electronic signing and can be stored on your computer electronically. We give you a complete copy, so you never need to contact us just to get copies of your own corporate records. If changes need to be made (for example, changing directors, officers, etc.), you can make the changes yourself or we can help with those too: Corporate Changes.


Ontario Corporations

  • Issuance of Shares
  • Election of the Board of Directors
  • Appointment of Officers
  • Corporate By-Laws

Canada Corporations

  • Issuance of Shares
  • Election of the Board of Directors
  • Appointment of Officers
  • Corporate By-Laws